New Year is coming and amount of kids is getting less and less, that’s why its very convenient time for me to pay kids attention on alphabet and study it very thoroughly! Majority of kids know alphabet by heart but not all of them can identify letters in mixed order.


At the beginning of the lesson we repeated all alphabet by heart in a very loud voice to refresh in kids memory all letters.


The next step was to ask kids one by one to identify a letter the teacher is pointing at. “What letter is this?” – This is letter “F”.  Every kid after answering all questions got sticker.

 The last step was dancing letters song. We practice “Alphabet song” every day to fix in memory not only alphabet but also every letters’ phonics. For example “Letter “A” sounds like “a””.


To make this kind of exercise more interesting kids supposed to show every letter with specific movement and every phonic has specific hands gesture.

Kids really like this song and we always dance with pleasure and have fun because studying alphabet is very interesting for kids)